There are a wide variety of coatings available on the market, but not all are ideal flooring for offices. After all, the choice of material for the corporate environment goes beyond aesthetics, as it is necessary to meet certain technical requirements to ensure durability, strength and safety.

Want to find out how to determine the most suitable flooring and the best products for these spaces? Then continue reading the article we have prepared for you, about Vinyl flooring in Jacksonville

How to choose ideal flooring for offices?

When looking for ideal office flooring, consider the quality and strength of the material, ease of cleaning, ease of installation, looks and convenience for all.

After all, an office is a place shared with several people who, for example, have different health conditions. With these questions in mind, check out the best options for the corporate environment:

Wood floor

The installation of wooden floors brings several benefits to the company and employees, such as durability and superior resistance to many other materials. In addition to adding sophistication to the environment, it also contributes to transmitting a feeling of coziness and is hypoallergenic, which provides well-being at work.

The most interesting thing is that wood helps to express intellectualism and sobriety, and can be combined with any style of decoration, from the most classic to the most modern.

Thermal comfort, acoustic insulation, property valuation and contribution to the company’s good image — since the corporate environment reflects the company’s characteristics — are other advantages of choosing wooden flooring.

vinyl floor

Among the ideal floors for offices, one of the most used is vinyl due to its aesthetic and functional characteristics. There are models in the most diverse colors, styles and textures, including options that imitate wood. Soon, you will certainly find the perfect alternative that fits the company’s image and posture.

The material is also resistant to wear and tear, easy to clean, practical to install, has noise insulation — which prevents the noise of high heels, for example — and still offers safety against slips and slides. Like wood, it is also hypoallergenic, thus contributing to everyone’s health and the common good.

However, for commercial use with high traffic of people, it is essential to purchase more robust materials, such as SPC vinyl (Stone Polymer Composite), one of the most impact resistant floors ever manufactured on the market.

There are a wide variety of coatings available on the market, but not all are ideal flooring for offices. After all, the choice of material for the corporate environment goes beyond aesthetics, as it is necessary to meet certain technical requirements to ensure durability, strength and safety.

Want to find out how to determine the most suitable flooring and the best products for these spaces? Then continue reading the article we have prepared for you, about Vinyl flooring in Jacksonville

How to choose ideal flooring for offices?

When looking for ideal office flooring, consider the quality and strength of the material, ease of cleaning, ease of installation, looks and convenience for all.

After all, an office is a place shared with several people who, for example, have different health conditions. With these questions in mind, check out the best options for the corporate environment:

Wood floor

The installation of wooden floors brings several benefits to the company and employees, such as durability and superior resistance to many other materials. In addition to adding sophistication to the environment, it also contributes to transmitting a feeling of coziness and is hypoallergenic, which provides well-being at work.

The most interesting thing is that wood helps to express intellectualism and sobriety, and can be combined with any style of decoration, from the most classic to the most modern.

Thermal comfort, acoustic insulation, property valuation and contribution to the company’s good image — since the corporate environment reflects the company’s characteristics — are other advantages of choosing wooden flooring.

vinyl floor

Among the ideal floors for offices, one of the most used is vinyl due to its aesthetic and functional characteristics. There are models in the most diverse colors, styles and textures, including options that imitate wood. Soon, you will certainly find the perfect alternative that fits the company’s image and posture.

The material is also resistant to wear and tear, easy to clean, practical to install, has noise insulation — which prevents the noise of high heels, for example — and still offers safety against slips and slides. Like wood, it is also hypoallergenic, thus contributing to everyone’s health and the common good.

However, for commercial use with high traffic of people, it is essential to purchase more robust materials, such as SPC vinyl (Stone Polymer Composite), one of the most impact resistant floors ever manufactured on the market.

Roberta Mach Supervisão de Mariana Fortunato
Profissional de Recursos Humanos com mais de 10 anos de experiência em gestão de talentos, recrutamento e seleção, treinamento e desenvolvimento, e relações de trabalho. Forte capacidade de construir relacionamentos interpessoais sólidos e de colaborar com equipes para impulsionar o sucesso organizacional.

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